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Sydney, NSW, Australia
Free the brumbies is a blog for brumby advocates and equine animal lovers alike, that are interested in the rights of animals and the ethics that lies behind in managing animals in the wild.

Saturday, 1 October 2022



Wishing Upon a Dandelion



"When we look upon a field of dandelions all we see is a sea of wishes."

The group AUS Brumby Rehomers United will be starring at Equitana exhibition in November 2022 at Melbourne to promote Brumbies. 
The AUS Brumby Rehomers United, comprises of Primary rehomers, trainers, helpers, artists and photographers, that united to pull this together. Some have helped behind the scenes others will be attending and there will be 22 of us having 2 stalls showcasing our rehomed brumbies.  I will be showing at the art precinct under Syndy Esteves ,Visual Artist and under  the same banner of AUS Brumby Rehomers United.  Also 20% of all of my sales will go to the rehomers within the group. 
There will be artworks, from both myself and photographers, as well as brumby memorabilia to aid the rescue programs, and of course our brumbies to showcase their beauty, their adaptability, their intelligence, their hardiness and their versatility, relating to their calm nature and inquisitive characters.  This of course is also to reinforce the plight of the brumbies, as rehomers do this to save the brumbies from the knackeries and shooting, as the Government persists on culling and trapping in NSW,  relentlessly. 

I am sorry to add, that due to the negative climate against rehoming in the past months, the Government has now reverted back to culling in ground and aerial shooting not just in Victoria but also in Kosciuszko National Park, at the detriment to the brumbies, slain, with pregnant mares and whole families, sensely shot. In spite of this devastating news, we remain determined to promote rehoming as this is their only real hope of survival. I hope now, that in the evidence of the aftermath of significant well known  stallions and mares that were well known to us and photographers, that the only answer is rehoming under such a climate. 

We have thus created brochures that showcase the brumby 'The Heritage Brumby๐ŸŽ', filled with information as well as provided a film named 'Wishing Upon a Dandelion' that relates to the process of how many people it takes to save a brumby. 
The process of saving wild brumbies is a long one, as once the brumbies leave the parks, they are transported, checked by vets, gelded, wormed, vaccinated, and then go through a process of soft handling and descentesing.  
It takes many volunteers' to help handle and train, also many dollars spent on veterinary care and feed. 
All this is to save the brumbies from being sent to the knackeries or being culled.
When I started my advocacy in Christmas 2020, Moreen Levin had said something to me that stuck.  'It is about doing your best. We can't save them all, but saving even just one will be worth it.'
Moreen and Paul,  have now saved over 300 brumbies.

  NSW parks is trapping relentlessly, and brumbies are being shot, and in trying to create change, I and other artist and photographers are doing pro bono graphics and gifting artworks to aid the rehoming process. With proper management, shooting and knackeries could be eliminated, but the rehoming program will always be needed.   Without a rehomers program they do not have a chance, and all the brumbies that have been saved, would have seen a knackery or shot and left to rot, and that is the reality of things, hence that is why we do what we do.


It started in the winter of 2021, and a group was formed to go to Equitana, but as covid persisted, it was postponed to November 2022. The group, basically dissolved as the political climate began 'starting fires' and creating divisions, mainly against rehoming in some forms, and thus resulted in the group 'seperating'. 
I remained alone, and kept my deposit in Equitana regardless. 
Then, with the help of Clearview Brumby Rescue, a new group was formed and now we are here to showcase the brumbies for November 2022 in Equitana, as a group once again named, 
AUS Brumby Rehomers United. 

The group comprises of seven rehomers, and each rehomer has a particular way of rehoming, each unique and different, but what does tie them in their unity is the reason why they do it,  and that is to save brumbies from Knackeries and culling because they are worth saving. 
Our rehomers below


Bree Nai with 'Misty' a Peppercorn Brumby Mare

Breez Transport is run by Bree Nai. I first 'met' Bree in 2021, while she was working with another rehomer. Bree eventually left the sanctuary and signed up as a rehomer for Parks NSW,  and continued the work of training and rehoming brumbies, independently, alongside her horse transport business,  Breez Transport. Bree is passionate about horses, especially brumbies. She is a good trainer and has a focus on promoting brumbies as a versatile breed, and finding them good forever homes.  Here is an introduction by Bree regarding her Rehoming;

Breez Horse Transport is focused on rehoming brumbies taken from the wild by Parks NSW.  Bree has owned horses since she was young, and this love of horses motivated her to try to help the brumbies being culled. In 2020 Bree was heavily involved in starting a brumby sanctuary in Victoria with the express mission to Save, Train and Rehome brumbies. When the Sanctuary came to focus more on keeping brumbies, Bree chose to part ways and rehome brumbies independently as a Parks NSW Rehomer.

Bree explains her passion; โ€œWhile I love the idea of a Sanctuary, I especially love the idea of putting brumbies into the homes of people who will love them and give them a life after capture"    With the help of just a few volunteers, Breez Brumbies rehomed 21 wild brumbies in 2022 since independently working as a Rehomer for Parks. 

Photo on right: Bree Nai trimming Gracie's Hoofs. Gracie is a Kosciuszko National Park Brumby

Caesar Of Bago
Bree trims Gracie
Bree Nai has saved a total of 68 brumbies to date since 2020. 46 in MBS that comprised of 14 from Blowering and the rest Bago and Alpine regions.  Since rehoming as Breez  Horse Transport another 22, totalling to 68.  


Marley of Bago
Breez Brumby Transport , Mickeleham Rd Yuroke Victoria.

 Breez Horse Transport FB Page 



Brin in the wild. Right to left Charlotte Brin and Ziggy. Photo courtesy of Michelle Brown

I 'met' Ian and Kelli as I did all the other rehomers, in 2021. They got my attention as the story of Brin and his herd were rehomed to them. Their dedication was shown as they did everything to reunite as many members of the herd they possibly could, as for them and many of us, they are not a herd or a mob, but in reality a family.  Both Ian and Kelli run their rehoming rescue in a quiet way, as they do not dabble too much on the facebook pages. But that does not take away that they are just as passionate as all the other rehomers. Below Kelli explains why they decided to rehome brumbies, and how they do it.


Indigo Brumbies is located near Beechworth in Northeast Victoria and is run by Ian and Kelli. They started to rehome brumbies in October 2020, simply to save as many brumbies from possible death and uncertain future as they could. Governments in Vic and NSW are removing brumbies from public lands at a cracking pace; either by trapping or shooting and Indigo Brumbies are government approved re-homers for both Vic and NSW brumbies. 

They prefer to concentrate on rehoming brumbies to great homes as Brumby Family units. As this is not always possible, they also rehome individual brumbies. The brumbies who arrive at Indigo under their care, are mainly unhandled and they rehome them with domestic training to water, feed and fences. Each brumby that arrives at Indigo is considered individually and their welfare is the most important factor to Ian and Kelli, as well as finding them their forever homes. 

Photo Below of  Brin at Indigo Brumbies with Bella his mare and Asher their foal. A little tribute to Beautiful Bella, as sadly, she recently passed away. Kelli writes:

"In memory of gentle little Bella. One of Brin's original family, she was never far from his side RIP Bella, your memory lives on in Asher who emulates your gentle soul"
Photo The Odd Mob post 2019 fires Pictured is Charlotte and Bella an ABC News Photo





Mandy Hill runs Melbourne Brumby rehomers with her partner. Mandy is a passionate lady and for her it is all about brumbies.  Mandy works on the mind body & soul of horses and her dedication is shown by her passion. I 'met' Mandy in 2021 and we have worked on and off on projects since then.
Here below is an introduction to what MBR is all about by Mandy Hill.

Melbourne Brumby Rehomers, saving and rehoming Kosciuszko Brumby, is situated in Koo-Wee-Rup Vic.  

Melbourne Brumby Rehomers are dedicated to saving, promoting, and building awareness for the nations Wild Brumbies.

They provide the wild brumbies a safe and nurturing environment, while the brumbies heal physically, mentally, and emotionally as after trapping and travel from Parks NSW, they become stressed. Melbourne Brumby Rehomers, use a Rehoming Guiding Program, providing the brumbies a Three circle guiding method of mind, body soul.

When ready for Rehoming, great care is placed on matching their Brumbies and human for the most successful partnership.

They aim to provide all Brumbies that come through their rehoming program with the love, knowledge, skills and confidence needed to become a willing, happy, enthusiastic, and most importantly, safe and much-loved partner for life. 

Left to right Meal time at MBR, introducing the bucket to the wild brumbies, Centre Mandy with Little Philly, the first saved brumby that determined mandy's want to save the brumbies. Right is the beautiful  Kiandra stallion Soul man. MBR have saved about 180 brumbies to date.

Melbourne Brumby Rehomers (MRB)
 3780 South Gippland Highway Koo-Wee-Rup Victoria 



Moreen Levin with Spirit of the Mountain formerly known as Elby's Dad. 

 Moreen Levin is originally from the high country of NSW and a real country girl at heart, her encounter with the brumbies began at an early age as they lived near her doorstep. For Moreen the country is the air she breathes, and truly 'wears her heart on her sleeve'.  Paul Johnston, is from Queensland, near Biloela and has lived there all his life. He is a lighthorseman and has horse background within his ancestral heritage. He has dealt with horses for over 40 years and has extensive experience in horse handling.  They both believe in the heritage of the brumby and the ancestral ties to the Walers that the lighthorsemen used in the wars. You will find the Red Ensign Flag flying over at the Clearview gates, as a sign of respect to our Australian history. 

Paul and Moreen own Clearview Brumby Rescue in Queensland and in August of 2020 they took 15 mareโ€™s, foals and little colts, the day before the first border closures of the COVID pandemic. The brumbies were in bad shape after the 2019 Christmas and New Year fires. Then facing a hard winter, but 
with love from Moreen and Paul, the brumbies blossomed into gorgeous horses. Ten of them are still with Clearview today and the rest went to loving homes.
 After taking these beauties they had many people in Queensland, saying, how they wished they could take some and save them too. But the NSWP policy states that rehomers need to take a minimum of 5 brumbies, and the transport costs are expensive, therefore they couldnโ€™t. Henceforth,  Paul and Moreen decided to start Clearview Brumby Rescue enabling genuine people the ability to take on help them save as many trapped KNP Brumbies as they could. It costs Clearview about $9000 to transport each load of Brumbies from Blowering NSWโ€™s to Clearview Brumby Rescue in Queensland. Once rescued, Moreen and Paul eventually deliver their Brumbies themselves to their new forever homes all over Queensland and Far Northern NSW.

 They have an excellent vet who is brilliant with the Brumbies, and the vet team are great too. They do all the gelding at the farm, they also brand and microchip their brumbies, for their future protection. By branding, they can prove that they are genuine KNP Brumbies. The microchip is also registered to their owners for traceability, and this is important for the Brumbies they rehome as they are protected into the future.

 Clearview has rescued and rehomed over 300 Brumbies since they started in February 2021 and they are extremely grateful to the wonderful people who have supported them by rehoming Brumbies from Clearview. Also, for the volunteers who have helped them with the brumbies and also the people who have donated to help Clearview with their feed and vet bills which amount into thousands of dollars every month. They expressed their feelings and quote;

 โ€œWe honestly cannot Thank you all enough, as without you we canโ€™t do what we do, to save our Beautiful Heritage Brumbies. So, from the bottom of our hearts and from every Brumby weโ€™ve saved Thank you.

Moreen and Paul of Clearview Brumby Rescue 

Left to right Moreen with her Brumbies, Centre Paul with Shadow, and right Spirit of the Mountain with Star


I 'met' Moreen in 2020, and my Brumby journey began because of this beautiful lady.  We have been working together ever since, as Moreen is the lady that brain stormed the brochures and then many other ventures, too many to mention,  and I am the person that executes the graphics for her.  Many times she invited me to stay and, I eventually took a trip to Clearview Brumby Rescue in February 2022 and we finally met in person. Clearview gave me the first experience of the wild brumbies. A magical experience, that I will never forget and cherish, always, and set in stone my full journey. 

Left to right Moreen with Misty as a baby, Middle photo, Star, a most beautiful mare, and right is Banjo, with one of the many visitors, that come to visit the brumbies with their family, to either take a forever brumby, or just enjoy a day, or stay as volunteer work, to help with the brumbies, and experience the magic of the brumby. Clearview Brumby Rescue have saved over 300 brumbies to date.

Spirit of The Mountain in KNP before rehoming. 
Photo reference Karen Ferguson wildlife photographer. 

Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD
 778 Thangool Lookerbie ROad Thangool QLD 




"A horse can hear a human heart beat at least at 1 metre away. 

They hear your intention; they feel your vibe. 

They are the tellers of self and the Mirrors of Souls"

This is Red Earth Brumbys Motto. I 'met' Jess while she was working with NEBS, at the time, and only recently been introduced to Rhiannan. Both ladies are passionate about horses, (by now you guess it, all rehomers are),  yet each have their own way of working and handling the horses. Red Earth Brumby rescue in the Coffs Harbour area of the Glenugie and Yuraygir state parks.

Photo Jade desensitising Spartan

Red Earth Brumbys was a childhood inspiration and is situated in a mystical valley of the Coffs Harbour area, in NSW, surrounded by national parks such as the Yuraygir state conservation area, and the Glenugie area. The State highway divides the ranges, and the wild brumbies sometimes wonder off on the road and in private estates. Hence Red Earth Brumbys run by Rhiannan with her family and her friend Jess, opened the doors to rescuing brumbies in their area. The brumbies are rescued from the private estates and  have a safe first human experience, providing a forever home as some remain in the sanctuary while others are rehomed to forever families.

Using the โ€˜Whispererโ€™s or otherwise Holistic approach to rescuing and training, combined with mind heart and soul, they provide a safe home to the beautiful, rescued brumbies.  Jess and Rhiannan work with the brumbies in fence training and halter training.  Jess provides the holistic approach to the handling of the horses as well as grooming and barefoot hoof care. Their rescues also extend to foals as Moses a gentle domestic gelding is a perfect โ€˜nannyโ€™ and loves to mother them.

Red Earth Brumbys work as a family and  Rhiannanโ€™s children help in the training as they provide gentle handling and caressing, relating an experience of human contact and awareness of children. They also swim with the horses to desensitise them and walk them along near cars and noises, so they become familiar to the experience of humans, vehicles and noises that are not forest related. The brumbies are gentle, intelligent and of good nature, making them a perfect addition to any family. Red Earth Brumbys also works on a non-profit basis, any fees are to cover the essential vet fees for gelding and check-ups as well as worming and feed. 

Southern Star and his 2 mares, Rosa and Terra at Red Earth Brumbys. 
I was given the opportunity to name this beautiful stallion. I decided Southern Star, as it suited for many reasons. His forehead star, for one, but beyond that.  As the brumbies are part of our history, the Southern Star is also that of our flag. 

The Crux is represented by 4 points and incorporates 5 stars. Originally known as part of the Centaurus constellation, named by the Greeks, it was not until 1679 that the Crux became a constellation in its own right. The french Astronomer Augustin Royer formally separated the Crux from Centaurus. But some historian credit Petrus Plancius  creating the constellation in 1613. published by Jakob Bartsch in 1624.  The reality remains that under the Southern Stars  our Government, has created the crossroads for the brumbies, and our rehomers are here to save not only a brumby, but to reinstate a history.  

Southern Star with Rosa and Terra

                     Left to right Spartan, on right is Flora the palomino, with Rose, and below         Southern Star with his mob in the wild in 2021

                    RED EARTH BRUMBIES
                                                                                                         North Mid Coast Coffs Harbour NSW 
                                                                                               Red Earth Brumbys FB page


                  WHITE  ALPINE EQUINE
Darcy KNP Brumby Stallion was trapped near Long Plain.

White Alpine Equine is situated near Kosciuszko National Park, and is run by Nikki Alberts. I 'met' Nikki, at the same time as the others, in 2021.  Nikki is a dedicated Brumby advocate and very methodical in her rescue work. Nikki is also known for her generosity, helping others with their brumbies, in time of need. Nikki writes;

White Alpine Equine started the brumby rescue in late 2019.  The welfare of all horses is key to their approach, but the brumbies in particular touched their hearts as the rushed dispersal of them from the KNP and the low opinion of even experienced horse people was undeserved.

Since rescuing and finding great homes for fifty horses, including stallions, lead mares, young mares, fillies and colts, every interaction has been a joy, and a learning, for them.  A learning on how to listen and discover something amazing in this hardy horse โ€“ and an honesty and bravery often dampened down in domesticated breeds.  Four brumbies are staying with White Alpine Equine permanently.  An older mare who needs sanctuary as her adoption fell through at no fault of her own, and three boys at different stages of their training who have a wide range of height, size, bulk and attitudes.  They look forward to finding what each brumby likes doing best, so that they can work in unison with them. To thus continue the advocacy for the brumby and showcase just how amazing they are.


Left to right Nikki with Captain, being trimmed by Ivan,  Right Nikki training Star, a filly.

Beautiful Darcy

White Alpine Equine 
 90 Old Adaminaby Road Adaminaby NSW 2629 
 White Alpine Equine FB 



Save the brumbies 
Beautiful Tom KNP Brumby photo 2021

The first time I was Introduced to New England Brumby Sanctuary or otherwise known as NEBS, Jess Simmons, was my contact. Since Jess left, Nebs has been doing their own thing as usual, since opening its doors in 2002. They are a fully run charity with no paid stuff and run by volunteers. They have, now joined us in this venture with Lucy Anne Hicks. Lucy works closely with Red Earth Brumbys as well.
Joey 2021 Guy Fawkes Brumby 

Lucy Anne Hicks is a volunteer, but also lives on the property. Lucy does her work for the love of the horses, and no matter what situation they come from,  as she believes the brumbies do not deserve the 'bad wrap' they are going through. Lucy says that they make incredible horses for everyone and she loves seeing them go from skinny and scared to healthy and blossoming.

Save the Brumbies is a registered charity formed in 2002 after the first shooting of horses in the Guy Fawkes National Park in NSW.  Save the brumbies is split between two sanctuaries, the smaller of them based in Bellingen, that caters for the higher maintenance resident horses and the larger charity is New England Brumby Sanctuary in Armidale, that deals with new arrivals, handling, and rehoming. No horse that comes through the save the brumbies gates goes to slaughter, instead if they are deemed unhomable, they will live out their days on the 1400 acres, of the sanctuary. To date the horses are from Guy Fawkes, Kosciuszko, Oxley Wild Rivers, and Grafton. Their passion lies with showing off how versatile and essential these horses are to our heritage and the importance of preserving all Australian wild horses into the future. 

Left to Right Miss BB with Savanna Duffy, centre Lucy Anne Hicks with Roger, and right is Sting with Montana Ward


Joey apparently is a real character, and his photo and artwork are shown on the video below, 'Wishing Upon a Dandelion". Joey is depicted eating dandelions rather than a blue tarpaulin, in the artwork as per photo of him above. The movie expresses the feeling of all of us that are part of the rehoming process and without each other this could not happen.   All of us volunteer our time and effort with the hope of saving a brumby, in the process. Here below we see Joey again with Lucy Anne Hicks.

The New England Brumby Sanctuary (NEBS)
Armidale NSW.



I was introduced to  Deb Plattfuss by Mandy Hill of Melbourne Brumby Rehomers, as Deb was helping Mandy at the time. This was in the Equitana chat in 2021.  Since then Deb has moved on and started her own rescue called Heritage Horses in Harmony.
 Deb has joined us late as she was hoping to be at Equitana with her own stand, but it has not eventuated. So when Bree of Breez transport asked if she could join we did not hesitate to welcome Deb in the group as unity makes strength.  Here is a little spill regarding Deb and her business.

Heritage Horses in Harmony is based at Glenrowan Victoria and run by Deb Plattfuss at her family farm. Heritage Horses in Harmony or HHH,  works on transitioning our Australian Heritage Horses โ€˜Brumbiesโ€™ from wild and free into their new domestic lives in a holistic and harmonious way.
HHH focuses on each brumbyโ€™s individual  needs and psychological and physiological welfare and providing for such as required - no time limits, individual assessments and programs tailored to give each and every one the best start to their new life supported by an amazing team of professionals.
Deb is on the left with HHH, KNP Long Plain Brumby ZIg Zag ( Ziggy). 
HHH  is situated in Glenrowan Victoria

Heritage Horses in Harmony Brumby Named 'ARLO' from KNP Long Plane is here, with 'Uncle Beau' a Thoroughbred Lead Pony.

Trainer Brad West of Wild West Horsemanship is with Heritage Horses in Harmony Brumby named  'A Touch of Bling' or also known as  โ€œBlingโ€.

Heritage Horses in Harmony




Each rehomer may have their own trainer, and some have opted not to be advertised. Not all may have one as some are trainers themselves, like Bree Nai of Breez Horse Transport. But all do work closely together, and as with Clearview, even if Paul Johnston can train, they still use other trainers as well. The trainers are an essential part of the journey as in reality the mental state of the brumby is closely related to how they are introduced to first experiences to humans.  So introducing North west Horsemanship.

North West Horsemanship is situated in Queensland and is run by Kay Rushton and Paul Rushton. They work closely with Moreen Levin and Paul Johnston of Clearview Brumby Rescue.  They organise at Clearview Brumby Clinic  Clinic camps where they showcase the  training and how to care for the brumbies and do some amazing training.

If you are interest in the camps in Queensland  do not hesitate to contact Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD or North West Horsemanship for details, and when their next camp clinic is.
On left is the camp at Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD,   in Thangool near Biloela. 

Paul Rushton at Clearview training a brumby

North West Horsemanship
Mount Isa Queensland
Kay and Paul Rushton 



Trainer Brad West of Wild West Horsemanship works with Heritage Horses in Harmony in Victoria Here is a link to their page for details



A very special THANK YOU is for all of the Brumby Veterinarians that work closely with our rehomers, not all are named here, so to those that are not we thank you also. 
Here are a few named as a little for the special thanks to: 

KATIE SCOTT  for Queensland @ Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD for all the 300 plus brumbies she has looked after over the 2 years and so many more to save. 

ANDREA HARVEY NSW that has also a Facebook page called  Brumby Vet FB page for all the pro bono work as well as fundraising for many rehomers for help on gelding the stallions. Pro bono for White Alpine Equine and others.

THUNDERBOLT EQUINE ๐ŸŽ  in upper NSW used by Lucy of New England Brumby Sanctuary, has Calum Paltridge that helps our brumbies.

SNOWY VETS ๐ŸŽin Cooma, the team of Snowy Vets is used by White Alpine Equine for all her geldings.  

GEMBROOK VETERINARY CLINIC  in Victoria used by Melbourne Brumby Rehomers.

is used by Indigo Brumbies and Brad Goonan also is used by Indigo Brumbies. 
Brad is at 




There are many brumby photographers and all are very important, some I know some I don't, but all are very important for the cause of the brumbies. 

Here is a special tribute for all of the Photographers that have helped us in this venture, we  have 5 photographers that have helped, and  I also must add that some of these photographers are also the ones that help my artwork as I have been given access to their photographs for my referencing, and without them my artwork would thus not be possible.
I also would like to stress the importance of the photographers. They track for hours to visit and spend time with the brumbies, and each record the brumby as one would never have the opportunity to see them. Their work is very important to not only document the wild brumbies but also to relate to us the truth of how the brumbies relate to their environment. 

 The scientist really need to reevaluate their methods and maybe research on site, the actual brumbies rather than give peer review academia findings, or research a frog and blame a brumby because he is easy to blame.  
My thoughts always imagine the dandelions. A  herb or a weed, it was introduced and cannot be eradicated. Once the landscape was touched by man in 1788 nothing of the flora or fauna was ever the same in Australia. We cannot revert the damage if considered damage, but can only maybe try and understand nature herself, and let her do her job as she has always done by herself. 
'Natural evolution versus mans 'prometheus' of his evolution and the human condition'.

Here is my special tribute to my favourite Photographers, and this is my thoughts of their work, as an artist.
I will start with 



Wildlife Brumby Photographer

Here I may be somewhat bias, but Karen holds a special place for me as she is my main 'Brumby advisor'.  What I mean by this is that she relates to me the personality of the brumbies she photographs, and with her help I can best relate the brumby I am working on. To give you an example or two. Working on Irish, I could not see his feet, so she went searching and tried to get shots for me for his feet, she also relayed who 'he was'. Funny enough, I had then imagined him to have the hairs as a draft at his hoofs and sure to it, he had. The ethereal connection seems to work extra hard when I work with Karen.   I also get help on colours of the horses as well as their eternal personality.  With 'Pink Snip' (reference and name by Michelle Brown) whom Karen calls Bestie, Karen still sent me not only pictures of him but also video so I could see him in action, even though I was using another photographers reference, now that is special. 
 My work thus is detailed due to the fact that (and here is the 'special' part) that Karen gets close to her subjects and interacts with them too. They seem to flock to her, and in trying to get footage of horses running, that's not Karen. 
I was sent footage of Shadow when he was still in the wild. It was like watching two best friends having a chat.
Karen Ferguson, calls herself an amatuer photographer, but her images in my view reflect her soul and are true canvases of artwork in themselves, masterpieces in their own right. 
Karen sees the brumbies as her therapy and her attachment to them is too telling. She pains to see them taken out of the landscape, and being one of the most sensitive souls I have ever met, She suffers much when they are culled, having to retreat every now and then from human interaction, as most artist like myself can only do people a little at a time. Karen is not just an advocate but also a 'horse whisperer' in my view.
Karen's work is very portrait based in my view, and she relates the soft colours and hues in her photography.
Here below are some of my favourite pieces

These two have a special story as Freddie the colt is blind.  Karen heard the mare call out and found this little one near by. She was calling out to him. Karen then realised the little one was blind. 

who's looking at you kid?

ELby's Dad now known as Spirit of the Mountain residing at Clearview 

Mum and Bub

Portrait of a Brumby







                        PAUL MCIVER  &  JUDY GOGGIN

Wildlife Photographers

I was not given permission to publish an Intro but would like to thank both of them for their work and support of the brumbies. 
  I would like to thank Judy for her donation for our raffle. 
I would like to thank Paul McIver for all the help in the past couple of years. Paul has been a mentor to me, regarding the brumbies, so a special thank you to you.
Here are a couple of my favourite pieces of Paul's.

Below are 2 given for the first campaign photos of brumbies fires 2019.    


                     PAUL McIVER PHOTOGRAPHY 



Wildlife Photographers

Michelle and Ian are a couple that work together and are very recluse, meaning that they don't interact much with people in general.  Their love of the mountains is reflected in their lenses. Their work is fully documented and once again, like Karen, they have a special bond with the brumbies.  In a way all the photographers must, as what comes out of their lenses is always unique to them and magical in my view.
I have not worked much with Michelle and Ian but have some on and off, but I have of late used one of Michelle's photographs for referencing for creating my own artwork. Hence the name 'Pink Snip'. Not all photographers name their brumbies, but like Karen,  Michelle and Ian do, telling me that their relation is personal, and their bond with the brumbies,  true.  (Hence I always respect each photographer and use their given names respectively.)
It is difficult what our photographers do for the brumbies and lately with the culling all the more difficult for all of them. Still roar at the core and hence, my wanting to do a little tribute to all the photographers that I have had the pleasure to work with here for Equitana.

Ian and Michelle often do long day tracks and record their tracks as well as their photographs. So all is fully documented. Their photos reflect the landscape and what they notice of it, so sometimes it may be other  wildlife too.  Their colours are strong, but softer than Paul's let say and in the colour spectrum I would put their work as passive but with  a mystical feel about them, like the pink snip photograph you see below, as a perfect example. 

Here are some of my favourites 
First 3 photographs are Michelle Brown, Next 3  photographs are Ian Brown.

Michelle Brown a mystical photo of a brumby

Mum and Bub Michelle Brown

Pink Snip & mob Ian Brown

Dingo's Ian Brown

Ian Brown photograph




In the two stalls at Equitana you will be able to meet with four wild brumbies that have been rehomed

There are two members that will bring their brumbies 
The brumbies as stated are of natural selection, a breed born in the bush as Nai would say. Dna testing has been vital to determine the importance of the horses as rare breeds in some run through their veins. It is also interesting that in history for war horses were bred with other breeds to 'refine' a breed.  The Australian stock horse and the Waler comes from that sort of breeding. 

 Henceforth, with our brumbies that were left in the wild and having nature do her 'natural selection'  as to, not only by stallions and mobs, but also by nature herself.  This natural selection has refined the brumby to a most sturdy and versatile breed that is highly intelligent, family orientated, independent in thinking and capable of learning easily,  and generally gentle in nature, most definitely a breed most worth saving. 


Kathryn Schreuder will be bringing along two beautiful brumbies named Caspian-17 and Buddy. They now reside in Castella Victoria and both brumbies are Kosciuszko brumbies. Kathryn has also had their DNA tested, and each DNA keeps proving how wonderful these brumbies are.


Red Dune in colour and his DNA in order is, Hanoverian, Holsteiner,  Welsh Pony.  

 DNA in order, is Mountain Pleasure horse, Holsteiner and Hanoverian.  Buddy is a Chestnut colour.  


Bree Nai of Breez Horse Transport (also Breez Brumby Transport Fb page) will be bringing another two beautiful brumbies.
Sweet beautiful Gracie a Kosciuszko Brumby, and Black Creek Oliver, a Limestone Alpine Brumby.
Gracie KNP has had her dna tested as well, and Gracie is a beautiful chestnut colour or Sorrel and her DNA in order is Welsh pony, Venezuelan Criollo, and Cream draft.  

Black Creek Oliver is a Limestone Alpine Brumby, a beautiful burnt buckskin, and even though not tested yet, he is a fine brumby specimen without doubt.  






About the fund:  
The transport fund was created to aid for costs of transport to 'primary rehomers' that take Kosciuszko Brumbies from KNP.  The funds pays a third of the cost of transport from Blowering to their destination. The pdf application forms of the fund has also a terms and conditions, PDF can be found in the nsw brumbies FB page and downloaded, in pinned posts. Our preferred transporter is Mcdonald Transport, as we abide by the government regulations but also added extra criterias that we expect to be met for the safety of the brumbies. The terms and conditions outlines all. 

The fund is run by Rachel Islington, along with Karen Ferguson and myself.  Rachel is the general Manager and all transport applications are approved by Rachel. 
You can email Syndy @  freethebrumbies@gmail.com  for information or to ask for pdf application forms. 

To donate for the cause 

Donate to Brumbies transport Fund
BSB 242-200
Account number: 483375648 




Bree Nai, has been a wonderful asset to the group and has not only designed caps and other memorabilia for the fund, where funds will be donated to us, to help us help rehomers.
See link Below



Syndy Esteves Visual Artist & Brumby Advocate
"Arrow Boy & the death of Kheiron." 2021/2022 oil painting

In memory of all the fallen Brumbies that have been lethally culled.

For my artwork please visit


in Equitana 20 %  of all sales will be donated to the rehomers

November 10th to 13th @ Melbourne Showground



As tears roll down my face,

I cannot help but think where the wind will sway, 

& Although I never met you, I knew you all too well

Through your reclusive ways & your saddened eyes, 


I had been told that you had found a friend & shared some time,

But lost your friend, some time ago, by an arrow thrown.

& You wore the mark of that fatal day in many ways, 

Seen on your mind, and behind that stare, I understood whom you had become. 

& How so I admired your will to live, & yet again you were alone, a king alone.


I never met you, & yet I know you well, but now, never shall we meet.

For I was told how you found your peace with your love, and new family, 

But then, a sad, & tragic tale did unfold. 

Your family members, all of which died by a shotgun done,

Without a sound, without a word, without a thought.


Your whole family lies slain & the image of you,

on your side with Arrow mark, at your repose.

& The pictures of the mares that post aborted, as nature took its toll. 

& More pictures of your family, 

with news of you, are here to view. For all the world, not just a few.


Three days have passed since the sad news reached my ears, 

& Yet, my eyes are still full of tears.

& I thought of how, I sat for hours this last year,

Trying to put your soul to brush, & stroke by stroke, 

& yet, I could not understand, My own guiding soul.


But now I do, hence, the sky surrounds your face,

For you are now in the forever fields of the wild dandelions to run free.

& I hear the faint sound of you, whistle in the wind, 


As you run free with your family, 

Away, away, from evil eyes and dangerous sounds

& All of us here can only weep & shed but tears,

For our Arrow boy is here no more, except in our hearts and our saddened thoughts. 

Series 3 LXIII 2022.09.13

By Syndy Esteves

Please respect copyrights and intellectual property. 

Painting : Arrow Boy & the death of Keiron. August 2022

Photo reference used Karen Ferguson 

Free The Brumbies by Syndy Esteves


This ends our spill on the brumbies and please find below the link to our video. 
I hope you all decide to rehome a brumby or two. You will not only save a life but gain a wonderful experience that will touch your heart forever.
Help us be their voice in the wind
